From Mindy & Gary Campeau
Dearest D’Arcy, I was just thinking about our “Breakfast Brunch in New York City- not so long ago - a sunny fall day on October 10th. It was the highlight of our trip to spend time with you and reminisce about the good ole days. Garry and I both said what a fine young man you had become! Not just a satisfying and successful career, but best of all marrying the man of your dreams….
We consider ourselves so fortunate to have all the Mercer Family in our lives. We have had so many memorable times together over the last 33 years! They taught me how to party and love life.
So D’arc, know you are a bright and beautiful light to us. We admire your strength and teaching us about living a good and tender life.
You are always in our thoughts.
With much love and hugs.
Mindy and Garry